Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Favorite Illustrators

1. Jean Giraud ; Moedius

Jean Giraud worked mainly in comic book art, but I absolutely love his work, as you can see why. His pieces are so whimsical, sometimes frightening but always a joy to look at.

2.  Joëlle Jolivet 

Although I have never been able to pronounce her name, Joelle is a french artist whom I find incredible. Her style is very cool, sometimes it has a very old school look to it, and other times it's very new and bright. It's all just very fun and bright and youthful, I like that direction.

3. Bernie Fuchs

Might be old school, but dang;

4. Bob Staake

Bob Staake is an amazing american artist, his artwork has been put in some of the highest publications ever. Bob also illustrates books, with it's geometric look and bright colors keep your eyes hooked with their fun feeling and amazing style it fits the field very well.

5. Michael Hacker

Michael Hacker is an Austrian Illustrator whose fun style, and comics are just enjoyable to look at. He has different styles from fun with dark undertones and organic shapes that leads your eyes through its smooth curves to sharper and more realistic comic book styles.

6. Shual / Guy Saggee and Mushon Zer-Aviv

With their usual abstract styles, and subdued color pallet I find Shual to be very cool, they work for clients and independent and have a very cool distinctive voice. 

7. Wayne Pate

Wayne Pate is an illustrator with a sweet simple style, his simplicity is what makes his pieces so interesting and the fact that they can stand n their own is just a statement to their creativity. 

8. Jilian Tamaki 

With a unique hand drawn feel, I love how Jilian plays with several different styles, each has a very cool organic feel. Her pieces have a hand drawn, hand painted lovely feel to them. I love how she plays with millions of different styles and yet each look like her.

9. Kevin Dark

Kevin Dart is a young american Illustrator who lives in Los Angeles. I absolutely love his style, the feel of it; with the textures and the content it all comes together perfectly. I love his color use and just the overall layerings of his work. I know this will be contradictive but his style has a very cool old school vibe, with a modern twist.

10. Mike Mitchell

Mike Mitchell is an American artist based out of Los Angeles, I discovered him through tumblr a while back and have loved his stuff ever since. I love his cartoon bubbly style so much and his "Just Like Us" and Fat Birds series are to die for.

11. May Ann Licudine

I don't think I have enough women on this list, May Ann is an illustrator Artist from the Philippines. Her style stands out to me because it's so beautiful and whimsical, soft and rough at the same time. It's all quite beautiful and transports you to a whimsical state of mind. Her pieces with girls in simple blacks and grays are by far my favorite, stunning.

FAV. Lizzy Stewart

Lizzy Stewart is an illustrator from England who currently works at OPEN, which is absolutely no fair. She has worked for some huge clients, i.e. The New York Times,!!! She is also half of a team of a independent publishing company which means she has a lot of work on bookcovers, which are SO LOVELY it really makes me want to explore that type of design, I just absolutely love her work, it's so lovely and sweet and her color choices are fantastic. I love how some of her pieces have a very sketch style, and also her more watercolor feels, it like it isn't completely developed, it isn't crisp and clean and I absolutely adore it.

I might actually be completely in love with her

This one is my favorite

Miroslav wrote and illustrated children's books, which often related to the top towns or cities around the world. His fun simple, but evoking style is what I love about him. I love the fun feeling that his pieces portray, the texture and colors just are perfect, they go so well with children's books I could look at them forever. He is definitely one of my favorite illustrators of all time.

So sweet and delicate, but so perfect, I can't even stand it. 


FAV. Lindedesign / Andrew Linde

Finally, my absolute favorite, I really love the style of these illustrations, the layers and the texturing add up greatly, this is the style that I am working towards one day. 

FAV. ugh. Scott MacDonald

Is this guy kidding me? HIS STUFF IS PERFECT. What is happening right now. This guy! 

FAV; Audrey Malo

what. what. what. what. omg. how. omg.

i'm crying.



Rob Leifield;


Just kidding.

come on

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