Monday, July 30, 2012

Info graphic ideas

1. "the art institute student"

Image of a girl/boy, both!? with pens in their pockets, laptop, rulers the works
Each piece of the body would lead to a popout,

Pencils "to do 600 sketches minimum"
Usb: First back up
Laptop: Second backup


Hey something like this!

woah, this guy did a BUNCH of these

2.  Keeping with the theme, art student room would be fun too

This would include a kindof pan of a room, same concept but instead of things on a person it could span a whole room

piles of matte board
piles of clothes

3. Anatomy of a dog lover

I am obsessed with dogs, so this one would be all about that
i know that things are supposed to pop off of whatever image we create, but i would actually love to make the image move upon roll over also.

Eyes: to cry at dogs that are cute (this would lead to crying)
Mouth: to tell you about my cute dog all the time (this would lead to word bubble)
Hands: pet passing dogs (this would lead to image of girl leaning down to pet something)


Project statement


This piece comes from a computer illustration class, the project being to illustrate an editorial

Target Audiences

Due to the age of the article itself, men and women


I would like to present a piece that is fun due to the feel or imagery presented with the article. I would like to give people a fun simple idea to accompany the article articulately but with ease.


Presenting a piece that would be applicable to an age group without flatly saying or presenting it, finding a way around a conventional show of age

Key Benefit

Give the article a fun and interesting way to look at the content of the article

Support Statements/ Reasons Why

Presenting the topic of the article in a fun way to keep a youthful tone that isn’t made harsh by the possible drug aspect of the article even with the syringe,
because it is presented with bright colors and a more cartoon approach it will maintain an appeal that isn’t too dark


The tone of this piece is fun and colorful, presented in a youthful bright way


This illustration would be presented by means of newspaper and digital paper, i.e. ipad, phone and