Friday, September 21, 2012

Portfolio review

Today I went to portfolio review! Here are some of my thoughts on the experience (although not yet mine) and how I am looking forward to it! I really enjoyed going to portfolio review today, I liked seeing everyones point of views and the way they chose to display the skills/projects they've accumulated throughout the years! To one day think that I will be in their position is very exciting! I love seeing everyones personal style, seeing some similar to mine and some completely different. They are polished and a completed set version of their knowledge and talent! Some peoples stuff is so good and cool, their business card and their books of their work! Their personalities and pitches! I loved it, it was so cool to see that and it shows me where I am going and AH! I can't wait. To be able to visualize where we are going, and how we will finish, to see the work of my peers come together so nicely. I love seeing what I want to strive for, some more than others and I hope when I am in their seats I can put together something as nice as some of them, to have a polished nice presentation of my work and talent! It is going to be so exciting! I also liked just speaking to the students about their experience in school, ups and downs, when they wanted to quit and when they kept going, it is super cool to speak to someone who was in your shoes. We get to speak to professional designers at this school, teachers who've experienced it all and tbh they are on a different wave than we are, so to see someone be finished with their school and to know that they went through the same thing as you is really encouraging. Also to know that some people get offers thorough this is cool! Also! Seeing all the different degrees, I loved looking at graphic design, obviously, but seeing fashion marketing and audio ect. is very cool! to see what their schooling brought them. Also seeing the people you will potentially be working with in the future. Overall I think it's very cool to go there, just to see where you're going to be, and know that one day you will be there! p.s. I tried to take pictures and a guy stopped me, WHAT? I thought I could! He was scary and mean though.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Final Illustration

Final illustration for article "Student "addiction" to tehcnology similar to "drug cravings"" from The telegraph

Monday, July 30, 2012

Info graphic ideas

1. "the art institute student"

Image of a girl/boy, both!? with pens in their pockets, laptop, rulers the works
Each piece of the body would lead to a popout,

Pencils "to do 600 sketches minimum"
Usb: First back up
Laptop: Second backup


Hey something like this!

woah, this guy did a BUNCH of these

2.  Keeping with the theme, art student room would be fun too

This would include a kindof pan of a room, same concept but instead of things on a person it could span a whole room

piles of matte board
piles of clothes

3. Anatomy of a dog lover

I am obsessed with dogs, so this one would be all about that
i know that things are supposed to pop off of whatever image we create, but i would actually love to make the image move upon roll over also.

Eyes: to cry at dogs that are cute (this would lead to crying)
Mouth: to tell you about my cute dog all the time (this would lead to word bubble)
Hands: pet passing dogs (this would lead to image of girl leaning down to pet something)


Project statement


This piece comes from a computer illustration class, the project being to illustrate an editorial

Target Audiences

Due to the age of the article itself, men and women


I would like to present a piece that is fun due to the feel or imagery presented with the article. I would like to give people a fun simple idea to accompany the article articulately but with ease.


Presenting a piece that would be applicable to an age group without flatly saying or presenting it, finding a way around a conventional show of age

Key Benefit

Give the article a fun and interesting way to look at the content of the article

Support Statements/ Reasons Why

Presenting the topic of the article in a fun way to keep a youthful tone that isn’t made harsh by the possible drug aspect of the article even with the syringe,
because it is presented with bright colors and a more cartoon approach it will maintain an appeal that isn’t too dark


The tone of this piece is fun and colorful, presented in a youthful bright way


This illustration would be presented by means of newspaper and digital paper, i.e. ipad, phone and